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Data Access With LINQ to SQL
LINQ to SQL and Object/Relational Designer in the next generation of Visual Studio enable ADO.NET developers to combine O/R mapping, object persistence and LINQ queries in an autogenerated data access layer for SQL Server. [Read More]

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 Special Reports

.NET 3.0
Windows Vista heralds a new generation of .NET development, with new user interfaces, building services and workflow capabilities. This Special Report looks at tools and strategies under the .NET 3.0 umbrella that can help simplify your application development. [Read More]

Web Services and Enterprise Architecture
Discover the concepts behind EA. Use Web services to create an SOA that provides the flexibility and rapid response needed in today's changing business environments. [Read More]

Best Practices in Modeling and Patterns
This Special Report looks at utilizing modeling techniques, such as the Universal Modeling Language (UML) and Business Process Modeling (BPM), to define app dev methodology. [Read More]

Web 2.0
Discover the technologies behind the Web 2.0 phenomenon so you can design and develop new, exciting Web-based applications. [Read More]
 VSM Report

 Featured Articles

BPM Learns To Play With SOA
New tools and initiatives such as BPMN, BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask provide a start at marrying BPM's business acumen with SOA's IT-savvy. [Read More]

Introducing ASP.NET AJAX and Web Services
Find out how you can use ASP.NET AJAX Extensions to support JSON messaging with Web services. [Read More]

Beautify Your Code With Extensions
Extension methods, Visual Basic 9.0's new language functionality, bring together old and new ways of working with data, and open the doors to new language opportunities. [Read More]

Build a Custom Data-Bound Generator
VSM online columnist Jeff Levinson shows you how to customize your own data-bound generator in Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals. [Read More]

Inform Users With Customized Visual Feedback
Web site users rely on visual cues to determine when data is available — by default, AJAX-enabled apps don't provide them. Learn how you can add visual cues on your AJAX-enabled Web pages. [Read More]

Get Down and Glitzy With Gadgets
Add pizzazz to your users' desktops with Windows Gadgets, lightweight desktop apps that provide useful bits of functionality while also bringing fun back to the dev process. [Read More]

Build a Simple Device Application
Get step-by-step instructions for developing your first device app. Plus, check out helpful tips and tricks for resolving device-dev problems. [Read More]

String Together Snazzy String Routines
String handling is one of the most basic — and important — capabilities that developers must deal with. Learn how you can maximize the way VB .NET handles strings. [Read More]


Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 Released
The much-anticipated beta 2 of Visual Studio 2008 was released by Microsoft late last week. [Read More]

Adobe Releases ColdFusion 8
Company adds .NET integration to Java-based solution for developing dynamic Web sites. [Read More]

Confusion Growing About Vista SP1 Release
There's growing confusion as to when Windows Vista SP1 is going to be released to the public, and even confusion about when it will be tested, and by whom. [Read More]

 Online Columnists

Creating AJAX-Enabled Web Services
VSM online columnist Dan Wahlin walks you through handling the XML parsing issues by using JSON. [Read More]

Picture Your Code With Metrics
VSM online columnist Jeff Levinson introduces Visual Studio 2008's new code metrics. Learn how you can use this feature in Team System to improve your code. [Read More]

Device Development 101
VSM online columnist Dan Fergus helps you create a device app using Visual Studio, Windows Mobile, and the .NET Compact Framework. Explore the controls, write sample code and get familiar with setup options. [Read More]


Does WPF Matter?
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is an interesting technology with a great deal of future potential, but you face some serious obstacles if you want to use it today. Rocky Lhotka weighs in on these issues. [Read More]

Pace of Change Leaves No One Competent
The pace of change is on the verge of putting one-man dev shops out of business; no one is capable of remaining truly competent as a general .NET programmer. [Read More]

 Video Connection

The Dawning Age of Experience
In Seattle's Web Design World 2007, Jared Spool shows you what it takes to build a successful, multi-disciplinary experience design team that will best meet your users' needs.
 Watch the video!

Strategies and Techniques for Web Mashups
Dion Hinchcliffe WDW Seattle 2007 speaker Dion Hinchcliffe provided a tour of current trends in mashups.
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Microsoft Demos Management App
Kevin BrownLearn how to use a program management app to assess enterprise resources. In the opening keynote at EAS 2007, Marc Baxter and Kevin Brown demonstrated how Microsoft Services can add value as a consultant to your business.
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Jurassic Code
Billy Hollis Today's software dev tools and technologies are quickly becoming dinosaurs. In his keynote at VSLive! Orlando 2007, Billy Hollis discussed the new era of software dev.
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SQL Server for the Web Developer
Dan Winn VSLive! Orlando 2007 speaker Dan Winn delved into the database service model and database security, demonstrating how you can debug T-SQL code and improve Web site performance.
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Automate Infrastructure to Improve Dev Process
Dr. Adam Kolawa VSLive! Orlando 2007 keynote Dr. Adam Kolawa demonstrated how you can automate infrastructure to coordinate the efforts of your entire dev team.
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