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Web 2.0

Developers actively pursuing Web applications that involve fast interactions, user participation, and new approaches to working with data are looking at Web 2.0 technologies. These technologies—which involve a host of different languages, innovative application design principles, and new development styles—are driving another explosion in Internet and Web applications. This Special Report details the applications and technologies behind the Web 2.0 phenomenon, providing application designers and developers with a roadmap for adopting the techniques needed to build exciting Web-based applications.


Web 2.0 and New Approaches to Software
Not sure what distinguishes Web 2.0 apps from older Web apps? Here is a guide to the technology, community, and business behind the Web 2.0 phenomenon.

Java's RIA Option for Robust Web Apps
Do you want the responsiveness of Ajax, but with more solid technologies? Consider Java Rich Internet Applications.

The Web Inside
The dev processes that work for the Web can work for all types of applications. Learn how to abstract resources from physical locations as you would with Web applications.

Mashing Up Using Virtual Earth
Geographic mash-ups offer a great opportunity for you to add personalized information to digital maps. Discover how Virtual Earth makes building mash-ups a cinch.

Get Started With XMLHttpRequest Object
This chapter from Understanding Ajax introduces you to the XMLHttpRequest object, demonstrating how to troubleshoot implementation differences between browsers, create example page requests, both in a synchronous and asynchronous fashion, and more.

Tackle Interoperability Challenges in Web 2.0 Dev
Web 2.0 offers many benefits as a development methodology. But when building apps, you must understand and prepare for potential interoperability challenges associated with Web 2.0 technology.


Peter VarholAccessibility More Than a Software Issue
Peter Varhol uses a recent lawsuit as a launching point for discussing online accessibility versus physical accessibility in the eyes of the law. He questions how lawmakers will determine which sites have handicapped accessibility.

Terrence O'DonnellWeb 2.0 From the Northwest
Terrence O'Donnell reports on O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) 2006—including highlights from Founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media Tim O'Reilly's keynote, in which O'Reilly focused on five thought-provoking ideas about Web 2.0 and open source.

Jim FawcetteTale of Two Cities: EclipseCon and MIX06
Industry figures speaking at two conferences for competitive groups—EclipseCon for open source Java developers, and MIX06 for Microsoft/Web 2.0 developers—agree on one thing, says Jim Fawcette: Vista will create major market opportunities for them.


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