Jurassic Code
Learn ways to adapt to the rapidly changing world of software development.
VSLive! Orlando, May 9, 2007
| Billy Hollis
Watch the video of the session! (Running time: 1 hour, 3 minutes)
When will today's software development tools and technologies become dinosaurs? It may be sooner than you think. Complexity in software development is reaching critical mass. Microsoft's newest technologies are making current conceptual models of development obsolete.
Given these recent changes, how can you chart your professional development? And how can you adapt your tools to increasing complexity in software? Previous cycles of change in software development can provide some answers to these questions. Examining new dev models from Google to Ruby offer additional clues. Billy Hollis outlines his take on this new era of software development and tells you how to prepare for it.
About the Speaker
Billy Hollis is an author and software developer from Nashville, Tenn. Hollis is coauthor of the first book ever published on Visual Basic .NET, VB .NET Programming on the Public Beta. He has written many articles and frequently speaks at industry conferences. He is the regional director of developer relations in Nashville for Microsoft Corporation, and runs a consulting company focusing on Microsoft .NET.
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