| | Featured Articles | | Build More Scalable Web Sites Stop generating the dreaded "Site Too Busy" error. Implement asynchronous processing with ASP.NET 2.0, and your page's thread will be returned to the thread pool so another page can use it while your own code waits for results. [Read More]
Roll Your Own Control Designers It's not enough to build a great custom Web control to help your end users—you must also help other developers use your control. Learn how you can support both audiences and make them more productive. [Read More]
Generate Data-Based Web Sites With Blinq Blinq 1.0 is a prototype of an extension to DLinq (now called LINQ to SQL) that auto-generates a complete data-entry and editing ASP.NET 2.0 Web site. See how to create a 25-page Web site from the Northwind sample database in less than a minute. [Read More]
New Technology Offers UI Improvements New UI technologies such as Ajax and WPF are blurring the distinction between browser-based and smart-client interfaces. The good news: You'll have options to make apps more responsive and user-friendly. [Read More]
| | Product Focus | | Simplify Internet Development Take advantage of /n software's IP*Works to simplify a variety of Internet-related tasks, from working with SOAP to handling tasks related to HTTP, DNS, and FTP. [Read More]
| | Opinions | | An Expression of Frustration
Microsoft announced that its Expression development tools for Windows Presentation Foundation won't be available this year. Peter Varhol discusses how this delay might impact Microsoft and the Web developers who use these tools. [Read More]
| | Interviews | | Innovative Information Delivery Zimbra is building a reputation on "pushing Ajax to the limit," giving browser-based apps the same rich editing experience as in desktop applications. Ross Dargahi, cofounder and VP of engineering, discusses what else the company is innovating. [Read More]
Mainsoft's Interop for IBM WebSphere Portal Mainsoft's new Visual MainWin for J2EE, Portal Edition, helps you achieve a mixed portal environment that provides access to ASP.NET and Java applications. Read the highlights of Terrence O'Donnell's discussion with Mainsoft CEO Yaacov Cohen. [Read More]
| | Books | | What Is Ajax? With Ajax, your code sits on a server that you control, and users can access Web apps that provide full, rich experiences. This chapter from Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks provides an intro to Ajax technology. [Read More]
Getting Around JSF Get an overview of JavaServer Faces in this chapter from JavaServer Faces in Action. You'll learn about application configuration and how to use JSF with JSTL and other JSP custom tags. [Read More]