Automate Infrastructure to Improve Your Dev Processes
Unify the efforts of your entire software development team by automating infrastructure.
VSLive! Orlando, May 2007
 | Dr. Adam Kolawa
Cofounder and CEO, Parasoft
Watch the video of the session! (Running time: 55 minutes)
As systems grow in complexity, building software becomes increasingly challenging and cowboy programming is no longer acceptable. To build effective business applications today and in the future, you need an automated infrastructure that supports and unifies the efforts of your entire software development team, including the team members who write the requirements, the team members who build the software, and the team members who verify that the software meets requirements and performs as expected.
About the Speaker
Dr. Adam Kolawa is the cofounder and CEO of Parasoft, a leading provider of automated error prevention (AEP) software solutions. Having years of experience with various software development processes, he offers unique insight into the high-tech industry and an uncanny ability to successfully identify technology trends. Kolawa has orchestrated the development of successful commercial software products that meet growing industry needs and improve overall quality — often before the trends have been widely accepted. He is coauthor of Bulletproofing Web Applications and has written or contributed over a hundred commentary pieces and technical articles for publications such as The Wall Street Journal, CIO, Computerworld, Dr. Dobb's Journal and IEEE Computer.
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