

Micromuse Inc. offers business and service assurance solutions.  The company was founded in 1989 in London and incorporated in Delaware in 1997, and it went public in 1998. Micromuse has completed four acquisitions: Calvin Alexander Networking (2000), NetOps (2000), RiverSoft (2002), and Lumos Technologies (2002).

Target Market

Enterprises and service providers—from finance, insurance, government, and manufacturing to telecommunications carriers, mobile service providers, Internet service providers, and broadband service providers.

Product Offering

The Netcool product suite collects, consolidates, analyzes, and informs various constituencies about data from a broad range of devices and platforms at the application, system, and network layers. Netcool consists of five major product families. Micromuse launched its flagship Netcool/OMNIbus product in 1995 for realtime and historical event management. Netcool/Precision is available for automated discovery and dynamic topology. Netcool/Impact is for advanced correlation, analytics, and automations. Netcool/Monitors handles realtime and trended performance, status, and service monitoring. Netcool/Dashboards provides realtime business and service views and trended reporting.

Micromuse also delivers a range of software solutions that enable equipment providers to provide integrated, standards-compliant management of transmission-layer hardware devices. Products include Netcool/EMS, an integrated element management system for network elements, and Netcool/TL1 Agent, an embedded agent technology for transmission layer devices.

Main Claims

Netcool's comprehensive service and business assurance capabilities help organizations improve operations efficiency and increase the availability of critical applications and services. Ideally suited for managing large, complex IT environments.

Contact Information

Micromuse Inc.
139 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94107

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