Worldwide OLAP Market and Microsoft Market Share and Revenue (The OLAP Report)
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Market Size, $Billion $2.4 $3.1 $3.3 $3.4 $3.7 $4.2 $4.8
MSFT Market Share, % 7.5% 11.1% 21.2% 24.1% 25.5% 27.5% 28%
MSFT Revenue, $Billion $0.2 $0.3 $0.7 $0.8 $0.9 $1.2 $1.3

Table 2 Microsoft Gained Top OLAP Spot in 2001 with SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2000's improved Analysis Services and new Data Mining features almost doubled SQL Server's OLAP2000 market share in 2001 and more than doubled OLAP revenue, according to The OLAP Report (see Resources). According to the authors, "[T]hese figures include OLAP server and client software, applications and OLAP consulting, whether performed by the software author or third-parties." However, "there is evidence that Microsoft OLAP sites use much less external consulting on average than users of most other OLAP servers do, which is also reducing the market growth rate."