Parameter Name Type Range Description
COMPLEXITY_PENALTY Float 0–1 Used to restrict the growth of the tree. The decision tree algorithm produces splits that result in the creation of multiple branches. A low value for COMPEXITY_PENALTY indicates that splits will occur more frequently, and a high value indicates that splits will occur less frequently. The default value varies depending on the number of attributes specified for the mining model.
MINIMUM_LEAF_CASES Integer 0–2,147,483,647 Similar to the COMPLEXITY_PENALTY in that it controls the number of splits that occur. This parameter, though, is based on the number of leaf nodes present in the tree; a low value indicates that splits will occur more frequently, and a high value indicates that they will occur less frequently. The default value is 10.

Table 2 Hold the Number of Splits in Check.
The decision trees algorithm contains a couple mining-model parameters for holding down the number of splits. You set these parameters in the Additional Parameters property using the Relational Mining Model Editor.