Task Performed by Time Accuracy Risk
HR sends an e-mail to IT to request new accounts with new account info. HR operator 5 min + wait time High Low
IT verifies the request and sends it to the appropriate account operator to manually create the accounts in the proper OUs based on location. IT administrator 5 min High Low
The account operator manually adds the accounts to the appropriate groups based on the location and job title. Account operator 10 min Med High
The account operator manually creates home directories and other user attributes based on user properties. Account operator 10 min Med High
The account operator sends the supervisor an e-mail to get approval to enable the user. Account operator 2 min + wait time Med High
A manager/supervisor reviews the account and notifies IT to enable the account. Manager/
5 min + wait time Med Low
IT enables the account. IT administrator 1 min High Low
Total 4 people 38 min + wait time Med High

Table 1