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Winter 2006, Vol. 4, No. 1

Maximize Reuse of Services Within Your SOA
by Theo Beack
Explore how you can maximize reuse in your service-oriented architecture. Learn how to leverage existing infrastructure, create appropriate organizational structures, and adopt collaborative development practices.

Scaling Over Time: The Version Problem
by Alex Krapf
What challenges do you face when managing a system's changes? Alex Krapf discusses the problems surrounding "scaling over time" and provides some practical solutions for solving the version control dilemma.

Combat Increasing IT Complexity
by Firdaus Bhathena
Explore how companies can conquer issues associated with IT complexity and achieve success in their architecture initiatives through the appropriate mix of people, process, and technology.

Incremental Architecture: Principles for the Real World
by Chad Riland and Josh Paterson
Look at the effectiveness of enterprise architecture and discover an incremental approach that aligns projects with strategic goals.

If SOA Looks Hard, You're Looking at it Wrong
by John Sadd
The word "service" often heralds fear and loathing. No more. John Sadd provides a new and easy approach to deconstructing SOAs, ensuring that they truly serve you.

Down With Downtime
by Dan McCall
By implementing automated business application processing as part of your core IT framework, you can achieve true "straight-through processing" and realize significant increases in efficiency and productivity.

Governance: The Elephant in the Room
by Mike Dunham
Is your enterprise architecture an effective management discipline? Mike Dunham explains how a streamlined definition and governance are essential to EA management.

Editor's Note
by Jim Fawcette

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