Summer 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2
11 Tips for Smarter Service Design
by David S. Linthicum
Get an in-depth look at unique service design principles, learn how to test for them, and discover what service patterns are emerging.
Modeling Connected Systems
Microsoft’s Gurpreet Pall explains how architectures fail, and how to avoid those pitfalls.
Is Your App Security Up to Spec?
by Alex Smolen
Here’s the lowdown on the challenges you face, plus an effective strategy for defending application security.
7 Essential Elements of EA
by David C. Baker and Michael Janiszewski
Follow this roadmap to engage your business, manage complexity, and govern the implementation of your architecture.
Create an RFID-Ready Architecture
by Peggy Chen
Radio frequency identification (RFID) lets you turn massive amounts of data into operational intelligence.
Improve Performance With In-Process Integration
by Alex Krapf
Higher performance, more reliable integration, and better security make in-process integration an attractive approach.
ARM Yourself for Enterprise App Dev
by Mark Collins-Cope
An architectural reference model (ARM) can help you increase application stability in the face of changing requirements.
Making the Right Software Investment
by Adam Kolawa
Follow these guidelines to find software that fits your company’s needs.
SOA Insights
Reliable Messaging in a Services Networks
by Frank Martinez
Intermediation-based, networking-centric approaches enable your SOA to work seamlessly in support of the most sophisticated enterprise applications.