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Fall 2004, Vol. 2, No. 3

Strategies for Operational Risk Management
by Vineet S. Rajput
Enterprise architecture defines a comprehensive business and technology strategy to achieve organizational goals. Discover how you can leverage EA documentation to manage operational risks.

SOA: Debunking 3 Common Myths
by Tarak Modi
SOA is associated with a myriad of perpetuating myths. Don't fall victim to them. This article dispels three of the most common SOA myths and reminds you to think of SOA in its simplest form.

Outsource More Effectively
by Adam Kolawa
Deciding whether to outsource requires research, analysis, and strategic planning. Learn the important determining factors before you embark on your next software project.

How to Explain SOA to Your CIO
by Linda L. Briggs
SOAs will help change how business and IT work together. It will take time, though. Meanwhile, here's what you want your CIO to know so that your company can move in the right direction.

EA Realist
Harness Technology Architecture
by Jeff Tash
Poor communication is one of the biggest problems in IT organizations. The key to effectively communicating and establishing your technology architecture is modeling.

SOA Insights
Avoid Dead-End SOAs
by Frank Martinez
Enterprise SOA requires a coordinated architectural path. You should adopt a services-network approach to avoid the unmanageable complexity caused by rapid proliferation of Web services.

New Products
RoadBlock Security Firewall
by Janaya Reitz
RimApp Technologies releases an intelligent network security appliance, Parasoft enhances its unit-testing tool, Cape Clear upgrades ESB, and more.

Editor's Note
by Jim Fawcette

FTPOnline Blogs
Check out the FTPOnline Blog for insights from FTP President Jim Fawcette, contributor Peter Varhol, and other FTP editors as they sound off on IT and development issues.

BEA, IBM, Sun, Oracle Same But Different
Every leading company in the enterprise-J2EE-middleware sector had a tough time in the past year, says Jim Fawcette in a recent blog post. But you'd never know it from reading the press coverage.

Interview With Borland CEO Dale Fuller

Video: Microsoft's Mendlen on Service Orientation

Video: Best Practices for SOA

Book Chapter: Web Services, SOA

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