Meet the JCP Roundtable Panel

The 2005 Java Community Process Roundtable was moderated by Kay Keppler, editor, Java Pro magazine, a publication from Fawcette Technical Publications.

The panel was composed of these JCP spec leaders:

Ekaterina Chtcherbina, senior engineer, Siemens AG Corporate Technology, Software and Engineering Division, Architecture
Donald R. Deutsch, Ph.D., vice president, standards strategy and architecture, Oracle Corporation
Andreas Ebbert, software design engineer, operations support systems, Nokia, and architecture board member, OSS Through Java Initiative
Marquart C. Franz, senior principal engineer, Siemens AG Corporate Technology, Software and Engineering, Architecture
Onno Kluyt, director, Java Community Process, Sun Microsystems
Kimmo Löytänä, senior technology manager, standardization, Series 60 Java Platform, technology platforms, Nokia
Geir Magnusson, Jr., Apache representative on the EC, Apache Software Foundation
David Nuescheler, CTO, Day Software AG
James E. Van Peursem, Ph.D., fellow of technical staff, Motorola Inc.
Mark Reinhold, Ph.D., Java SE chief engineer, Sun Microsystems