Argument Description
/t:TargetFolder Specifies the root folder for the Blinq Web site. If not present, Blinq creates the folder structure. If present, Blinq requests confirmation before overwriting files in the folder unless you add the /f argument.
/database: DBName or /databasefile: MDFName /database determines the SQL Server database from which Blinq will generate the Web site. /databasefile is the path to and name of the .mdf file that SQL Server Express attaches.
/server: ServerName ServerName specifies the name of the SQL Server instance that contains the specified database. If omitted, Blinq supplies (local) by default. Specify .\SQLEXPRESS for SQL Server 2005 Express edition.
/l: language /l:vb specifies Visual Basic as the Web site programming language. Omission or /l:cs specifies C#.
/vDir: DirName /vDir: creates an IIS virtual directory named DirName for the site, and builds and runs the site in IE after generation.
/user: UserName UserName provides the username for SQL Server authentication. If not specified, Blinq uses Integrated Security (Windows Authentication). The Web.config file stores the /user and /password values as plain text.
/password: Password Password sets the password for SQL Server authentication.
/f Presence causes Blinq to delete the content of the folder specified by the /t: argument without confirmation.
/namespace: NSName NSName sets the namespace for generated classes, if supplied.
/pageDataSource Presence replaces the ObjectDataSource control with a PageDataSource control and generates data access methods in the page's code file instead of in the ..\App_Code\StaticMethods.vb or .cs file.
/noStyle Presence prevents Blinq from creating or applying the default theme and master page layout.
/sprocs Presence specifies that DLinq maps the database's stored procedures as methods of the DataContext class. You must write custom code to substitute execution of the stored procedures for invoking the auto-generated methods.
/? or /help Displays Blinq help.

Table 1 Customize Web Site Generation With Blinq.exe Arguments
The Blinq command arguments let you specify the root folder, SQL Server source database and instance, username and password if you use SQL Server authentication, VB or C# as the programming language, an optional Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directory, and other operational parameters. Only the first two arguments are required for all cases.